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Webshop » AMSTERDAM » Amstel, The, Engelse editie

Amstel, The, Engelse editie

Amstel, The, Engelse editie Amstel, The, Engelse editie

€ 175,00


The Amstel
The Amstel is written by Geert Mak, Ben Speet, Roelof van Gelder, Peter-Paul de Baar, Willem Ellenbroek and Marcella van der Weg.

The history of Amsterdam and its surroundings began with the Amstel river. Never before has this history been described from the perspective of the river. Four theme's - water, recreation, industry and architecture - shed light on The Amstel, with special attention for photography, art and literature. With full page pictures, clearly written stories, an anthology with the most beautiful literature and a superb book design,The Amstel is a monument about the river that gave Amsterdam its name.

The book is illustrated with many wonderful paintings by, for instance, Rembrandt, Ruysdael and Mondrian; historical pictures by Jacob Olie, G.H. Breitner, Cas Oorthuys, Eddy Posthuma de Boer, Wim Ruigrok; and photography made specially for The Amstel by Michel Claus, Hans van den Bogaard, Siebe Swart, Hans van der Meer, Taco Anema and Nico Koster.
Design by Lex ReitsmaPicture research by Ester WouthuysenConcept by D'ARTS / Paul Spies

The Amstel
Engelse editie
344 pages
more than 300 pictures

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