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A new used car for our Red Cross volunteer Sasha

We also have one specific need that I wanted to ask you about. 
A new used car for our Red Cross volunteer Sasha.

One of our key volunteers - Sasha, is volunteering for the Red Cross during this war - really needs a new car. 
His old car has been breaking a lot and he can't help people effectively.
Now, Sasha is a real hero, with no exaggeration. He has saved lives of a lot of people in Kiev suburbs during the initial phase of the war and local residents are all very grateful to him. 

He was helping evacuate people and delivered food and medicines under non-stop fire. 
He risked his life every single day. 
Last week he got some more official training from the International Red Cross Organization and plans to continue helping people as much as he can. 
I am very proud of him. 
He is also helping the Support Center with food and meds deliveries, as well as evacuations.

Tatiana did sent us a list of medicines that they need for one month but there is no safe way to deliver them.

At this point a Red Cross volunteer travels in his car to the government-controlled territories and brings them.
But it is extremely risky.
You never know if you will be allowed to pass, Russian soldiers can confiscate the medicines at one of the 36 check-points that he has to cross, 
or he may just disappear like Igor Kosa who was trying to bring medicines to Kherson (they haven't found his van or himself up to this day. >>> zie onze eerste nieuwsbrief)

Anyway, he needs 2500 euro to buy a newer car (the total cost is 3500 euro but he sold his old car for 1000). 

Uw bijdrage kunt u overmaken op de bankrekening van :
Boekhandel Jimmink BV
NL06 INGB 0000 6017 00
o.v.v. Red Cross car via Korczak.

If we could help him with that amount, it would be really wonderful and it would benefit very many people.

Thank you for all your help!

Alle prijzen zijn Inclusief BTW - Algemene voorwaarden
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